With the release of 5.5 winding down a lil for most of us, our weekly Nier raids have been pretty fun to the point I had way too much fun with the even announcement picture, admittedly things quieted down ingame a bit too much for my liking so I opened recruitment once again. Whoever may be reading this interested in our banter of insanity, don't feel alarmed, activity on our discord server is still thriving and I still enjoy ramming krakka roots up chocobo's butts. I am fully dedicated to the idea of having some more activity going ingame and see this as a chance to actually get to know other folks more that play with us regularly but aren't in the FC, and hopefully new faces as well eventually. Yes, you over there reading this! I'd love to take you treasure map hunting and get you acquainted with our local weirdo's (..wait isn't that all of us?) It's okay though, Endwalker is ways off sadly (F you Corona) and by the time we get closer to that people will get back into the game like no tomorrow. For now Nier raids, roulettes and GOTTA GET TOMES addictions will do. And simping on the Moriarty anime bois on discord of course ...
- Reyna